Below is the Terms and Conditions signed upon booking a class:

PARENT’S AUTHORIZATION & WAIVER FORM: I give permission to Kirk’s Creative Classes to use photos and video taken of my child in class as well as photos of my child’s artwork to be used for local news and marketing, with the condition that any public facing photos with faces of children will have faces obscured. I also give permission to Kirk’s Creative Classes to use photos taken of my child and my child’s artwork to be used for marketing on social media, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, with the condition that any public facing photos with faces of children will have faces obscured.

ABILITY TO ENGAGE IN ART ACTIVITIES AND ASSUMPTION OF THE RISK: Kirk’s Creative Classes takes all possible precautions to reduce risk and provide safe, healthy and enjoyable experiences. I warrant that my child is able to follow directions for all activities in the studio/class. I acknowledge that risks from participation in class activities exist and that I have allowed my child to attend art class knowing these risks and their possible consequences including personal injury.

WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: As a parent or guardian of my child, I agree that I will not hold Kirk’s Creative Classes liable for any personal injury, property damage or loss of insurance. I agree to release and hold harmlessKirk’s Creative Classes and owner, Jessica Kirk, from all liability incurred as a result of my child’s participation in studio class and that these terms serve as a release for me, volunteers, property owners and members of my family.

I am the parent/guardian of the child that I am registering for classes at Kirk’s Creative Classes

MEDICAL EMERGENCIES: The undersigned gives permission to Kirk's Creative Studio, its owner and operators to seek medical treatment for the participant in the event they are not able to reach a parent or guardian. I hereby declare any physical/mental problems, restrictions, or condition and below/or declare the participant to be in good physical and mental health. If necessary, I request that my child be transported to a nearby hospital listed below.

TRANSPORTATION: Please list all who are authorized to pick up your child that, beside yourself. Please give us a contact phone number and copy of their ID below. We take the safety of your children very seriously and will check the driver’s license before releasing your child.

CANCELLATION POLICY: All classes, in the rare instance this may happen, cancelled by Kirk's Creative Classes will be rescheduled. Cancellations must be made 48 hours in advance so all efforts can be made to offer the spot to those on the waitlist.